Find my new shorty „Section F“ on youtube! Take a look guys. 🙂 But I couldn’t have done it alone so a big shoutout to Henrike Fehrs and Patrick Steinmann! Thanks guys!
Everything is ready for my next short film! Featuring Henrike Fehrs and me. 🙂 Here is a behind the scenes pic from the costume test.
Ich darf die weibliche Hauptrolle Chise Hatori in „The Ancient Magus Bride“ sprechen! Danke für das Vertrauen Crunchyroll! I am the voice of the female lead Chise Hatori in „The Ancient Magus Bride“! Thanks for the trust Crunchyroll!
So ein schöner Trailer. Und die Stimme von dem Mädchen mit den blauen Haaren, kommt mir irgendwie bekannt vor… Euch auch? 😉 Such a nice trailer! And the voice from the blue haired girl sounds somewhat familiar don’t you think? 😊
Orphea, die erste im Nexus geborene Heldin, und ich darf ihr meine Stimme leihen. 😊 Viel Spaß beim Spielen ihr Helden! Orphea, the first Nexus-born heroine, and I can lend her my voice. 😊 Have fun playing, heroes!
There’s a fine, fine line. One of my favorite songs! I hope you like it! 🙂
Celebrating one of my favorite musicals I will share with you my rendition of ‚Journey to the Past‘ from Broadways ‚Anastasia‘.
Thank you so much Seoul Webfest! 😀 „Well done and everything crossed for German actress, singer and writer Franciska Friede who has been nominated for ‚Best Supporting Actress‘ for „Gut Holz/Good Wood“ by the Seoul Webfest. Franciska has a fantastic voice and performing presence as seen in her musical showreels. She is German native, but ...